Treatment specializations include:
Goals I guide my clients to achieve:
Treatment specializations include:
- Relational and Developmental Trauma; Family of Origin Issues
- Self-Esteem (self-sabotage, self-criticism, self-judgment, self-hate)
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Codependence
- Addictions, Substance Abuse
- Physical and Emotional Abuse and Neglect
- Coping Skills
- Men's Issues
- Relationship Issues
- Communication Difficulties in Couples and Families
- Career Change
Goals I guide my clients to achieve:
- Improved self-confidence
- Habits of self-care, self-compassion, and self-acceptance
- A profound sense of purpose
- An improved sense of belonging and human connection
- Feelings of abiding calm, safety, security and well-being
- Establishing a more coherent sense of self
- More meaningful relationships
- Living in mission
- Living in integrity
- Building a sense of wholeness, completeness
- Practicing wholehearted living and adventure
- Spiritual awakenings, transformation, change, profound alterations in being
- Creating an improved sense of awareness and discernment
- Connecting with a warming fellowship and community
- Opening up to nurturing and intimacy
- Improving personal boundaries in relationships
- Begin healing developmental trauma and primal wounds
As a therapist my mission is to help my clients achieve a sense of safety, security, and wellbeing; to live with a sense of purpose and meaning; to live with authenticity, in integrity with their fellows and their own beliefs. Through my experience with a wide variety of clients, as well as my own personal work, I have come to believe that each human being has the inherent capacity to live a peaceful, happy and purposeful life, if he or she is willing to move toward lasting change. I serve as a guide on that journey for my clients.